(509) 720-0190 info@safenestenviro.com

Fire and Smoke Testing

Have you had a fire in your property and need post-fire testing?  Call SafeNest Environmental Testing today at 509-720-0190 to discuss your fire residue or odor concerns.

What Areas Were Impacted by Fire?

After a fire there are some areas that are clearly impacted.  There are visible signs of smoke, char, ash, soot, and general damage.  But as you move away from the source of the fire, the extent of smoke damage may not be as discerning.

Setting up the scope of work after a fire is challenging and often based on “eye-balling” it.  SafeNest Environmental Testing performs testing to delineate the affected areas.  This can save the property owner or insurance company thousands of dollars by establishing the full extent of the damage.  SafeNest Environmental Testing is often hired as an independent 3rd party consultant to help settle disputes between insurance companies and property owners.

Is It Safe to Go Back In?

Another important question our fire testing can answer is whether or not it is safe to reoccupy a space.  After fire damage restoration, there may be lingering concern that the space is still harmful to health. With all the plastic and synthetic materials being used today, fires can give off toxic chemicals such as dioxins, furans, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).  These chemicals cause effects such as birth defects, neurological effects, and cancer.

SafeNest Environmental Testing can provide a variety of testing to determine if the fire restoration work was successful at removing smoke residue and harmful volatile organic compounds.

Fire and Smoke Testing- How Is It Done?

SafeNest Environmental Testing starts with a more basic, less expensive method and work our way up depending on the complexity of the project.smoke damage

We start with a visual inspection and incorporate the use of a chem sponge, also known as a dry sponge, which is made from vulcanized natural rubber. By swiping the sponge across surfaces, we can see the accumulation of particles.  A black discoloration is indicative of fire-related particles and a white or light gray discoloration is indicative of normal house dust. Unfortunately, this method cannot distinguish between smoke residue from fires and other combustion such as fireplaces, candle burning, and cigarette smoking.  To better determine the source of smoke residue, laboratory testing is needed.

The simplest lab test involves a tape-lift sample. The laboratory uses various forms of light microscopy to look for char particles, which are larger than smaller soot particles. To determine the presence of soot, a wipe sample is needed.  Soot samples are typically collected if the char samples were inconclusive.

The most complex post-fire samples test for complex chemical residues such as dioxins and PAHs.  These chemicals are non-volatile or semi-volatile and can be detected on surfaces.

SafeNest Environmental Testing can also test for fire-related odors.  We test for a panel of chemicals that are typically associated with “smoke odors”. This testing is helpful in settling disputes between property owners and restoration contractors.

SafeNest Environmental Testing
Board-Certified Fire and Smoke Damage Consultants


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