Heavy Metal Toxicity
Chemical and heavy metal toxicity are two threatening effects of water pollution within the domestic environment, particularly with houses that rely on well water. Most of the sources of water pollution are derived from sewage discharge (domestically), agricultural runoff and industrial discharge that often contains various heavy metals, toxic chemicals, environmental hormones, antibiotics, POPs (persistent organic pollutants) and EDS (endocrine disruptive substances).

These toxic compounds and heavy metals have a devastating effect on aquatic life like the plants and fish and these hazardous substances make their way into humans through consumption. Some of these metals and toxins are linked to causing major health problems such as acute poisoning, reproductive failure and immune suppression. These compounds have also been responsible for birth abnormalities and defects as well as cancer.
Some heavy metals including manganese and iron are often found in very high concentrations in groundwater. Other heavy metal elements that can be found in water sources include:
Lead: from coal, gasoline, plumbing, industry and mining. Lead has an effect on the chemistry of red blood cells and delays normal mental and physical development in babies and young children.
- Mercury: This is a neurotoxin and can cause muscle weakness, lack of coordination and loss of vision. Mercury is typically introduced to the human system by ingesting fish or shellfish.
- Cadmium: this leaches into the groundwater from batteries dumped in landfills, and can cause kidney damage and may also affect bones and increase exposure to potential fractures.
- Arsenic: this is a semi-metallic element that occurs naturally in certain types of soil and rock formations. Over time, it can get into the groundwater through erosion or more directly, by run-off from industrial processes. Consumption of arsenic can lead to muscle weakness, nausea and palpitations. These effects are usually temporary, as long as the ingestion of arsenic ceases.
With the potential dangers of heavy metal pollution, it is prudent to have your water sources checked periodically.
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