Electromagnetic Radiation
The presence of EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation) can only be determined by testing: it is not possible to see, hear, feel or smell it. EMR fields are emitted by electronic devices, such as laptops, tablets, cell phones, cell towers and practically every other electrical appliance in the home. They can also be transmitted by your home’s wiring system via copper water pipes that are close to electrical conduits.

Over-exposure to electromagnetic fields can cause insomnia, headaches and fatigue and other ill-effects. For this reason, it is sensible to have your home or office checked to see that there are no problems that could potentially be hazardous. If it is determined that there are possible issues, it may be necessary to install some type of shielding device to remediate and/or eliminate exposure to electromagnetic fields.
Electromagnetic radiation can also be a contributing factor to Sick Building Syndrome (also known as Sick House Syndrome). The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2011 categorized cell phone radiation as a “possible carcinogenic hazard.”They also issued a further statement that this new warning is “based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer, associated with wireless phone use.”
For a more detailed review of EMR and safety levels, read this report by the World Health Organization.
If you are concerned about the possible levels of electromagnetic emissions in your home or office, we can quickly and easily test the environment and present you with a detailed report on our findings and provide recommendations for any remedial actions.
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